Is kaffarah of fast necessary due to masturbation?
Question: asalaam walaikum, 1) unfortunately, i used to masturbate and this is a sin which i have now left and…
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Can parents prevent their son from going on Nafl hajj, umrah, i’tikaaf, tabligh etc.?
Question: If one’s parents are self-sufficient, can they prevent their son from going on Nafl hajj, umrah, i’tikaaf, tabligh etc.?…
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Mu’takif going out for Azaan and washing hands
Question: a) Can a Mu’takif give Azaan in the Sahan of the Masjid. b) Can a Mu’takif go outside the…
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Sadaqatul-fitr, Zakāt, Tarāweeh, Qadhā
Question: As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatuAllah, I have a few things I am not sure if it’s right or not .…
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Biting Nails Breaks Fast Or Not?
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I have a question which mostly occurs to many people. If someone has a…
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Using nasal spray whilst fasting
Question: Please kindly assist in advising me as to wether or not ones fast breaks if nasal spray is used…
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Feeding non-Muslim workers in Ramadhan
Question: Assalamualaykum. We normally give our non muslim workers breakfast and lunch throughout the year. The do not fast during…
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Using menstrual cups and tampons whilst fasting
Question: Can women use menstrual cups and tampons during Ramadan? Will it break one’s fast? Answer: In the Name of…
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Masturbating in I’tikaaf
Question: Assalaamualaikum Last Ramadan a person masturbated after breaking the fast at night during the Sunnah I’tikaaf in the mosque?…
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