Qiraan or Tamattu’ in Hajj Badl
Question: Can a person who is performing Hajj-e-Badl on behalf of someone else do Qiraan or Tamattu’? Answer: In the…
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Can a mentally ill person be a Mahram for Hajj and Walī for Nikah?
Question: If there is a mentally ill person as your mahram do they count as your wali for hajj and…
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Is it permissible to perform the two rak’ahs of ihrām before going to the mīqāt?
Question: Asalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Dear Mufti Saheb, I am currently in Makkah Mukarramah. With the various restrictions, I have the…
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It is Sunnah to spend the nights of Mina in Mina
Question: Will a person be sinful for leaving out مبيت in mina on the 10th due to not being able to find transport…
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Using Zakāh funds to send someone for ‘Umrah [Reviewed]
Question: Can one use zakaat funds to send someone who is eligible to receive zakaat for umrah? Answer: In the…
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Permissibility of Surrogacy
Question: slms sheikh Is surrogacy allowed in islam? If it is would it be classed as your child as it…
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