Is there Qadha for Tarawih Salah?
Question: Kal Tarawih ki namaz miss ho gayi. Kya Fajr ke baad qaza kar sakta hoon Answer: In the Name of…
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Can I read 8 rakats taraweeh?
Question: Can I read 8 rakats taraweeh? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-Salāmu…
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Women performing Salaah while wearing leggings
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته If a woman is wearing a dress that falls just below her knees and leggings…
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Sajdah al-Tilawah on behalf of a deceased
Question: Assalamoalaykum Mufti Sab 1. A Marhoom had a few sajdahs outstanding for Sajdah Tilaawat? Can anyone make that Sajdah on…
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Salah Fidya for a patient suffering from dementia and Parkinson’s disease
Question: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah My father had a bypass 12 years ago, 5 years back dementia started (early stages), A year later…
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Performing Tayammum when time of Salaah is about to expire
Question: If a person woke up and found himself in the state of Janaabah with 5 minutes remaining for Fajr…
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Starting a new Saff
Question: Assalam Alaikum. If one joins a jammah/congregation and the row is full, should he bring someone back to form…
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The Method of Sajdah As-Sahw
Question: Maulana Sahib, I have a question: When someone makes a mistake in their Salah that requires Sajdah as-Sahw, before…
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Can Jumu’ah Be Performed At This School?
Question: As salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuhu It has been our policy, since inception, at our school, that learners…
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Disunity In The Masjid
Question: Assalamualykum Mufti Sahib,I am just confused as my local Imaam who is an alim/scholar has been telling the…
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