Important Topics
Biting Nails Breaks Fast Or Not?
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I have a question which mostly occurs to many people. If someone has a…
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Which books should I read to increase my level of Imaan and respect?
Question: asalam mu alaiykum warahmatullah my deal respected elders i want to increase my level of imaan and respect can…
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Zakāh on receivables for services
Question: Asalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Hope you are well Mufti Saheb. I am looking for Darul ifta fatwa on zakaat on…
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Obligation of Zakāt on Canvases Purchased for an Art
Question: Assalamu alaykum Someone has asked regarding selling artwork on a canvas, if they will have to discharge Zakat on…
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Permissibility of Giving Zakāt to a Life Insurance Policyholder
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, I have a relative to whom I have been giving Zakat wealth for some time. Recently, I…
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Using menstrual cups and tampons whilst fasting
Question: Can women use menstrual cups and tampons during Ramadan? Will it break one’s fast? Answer: In the Name of…
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Taking admin fee from Zakat money
Question: As salaam u alaykum. Hope Hadhrat Mufti Saheb is well In SHA-ALLAAH TA’ALA. Mufti Saheb, some charitable organisations say…
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Is voting permissible?
Question: Assalamualaikum, recently I have been hearing differing opinions in regards to voting? I just wanted to know what the…
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Does exposing the lower back break Salāh?
Question: You know how people go to sajdah and their shirts go down sometimes exposing their lower back and it’s exposed throughout the sajdah.…
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Sending daughter on a school trip
Question: as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatuAllah, My daughter is in the 8th grade. Her public school is traveling to a city…
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