Islamic will guidelines
Question: Assalamu Alaikum I am an attorney practising in South Africa. I have been asked by a Muslim client ro…
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Is mother-in-law’s sister(s) a mahram for a person?
Question: Assalamu Alaikum Is mother-in-law’s sister(s) a mahram for a person? Pls provide the dalaail as well. Answer: In the…
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Feeding others on Aashuraa’ and Aashuraa gifts
Question: Salaams Is it sunnat to feed other good food on 10th Muharam? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the…
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Ages of different animals permitted for Udhiyyah (Qurbaani)
Question: On the day of Qurbaani, after making zabah the person(s) come to know that the animal was not of…
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Necessity of Sawm if Haidh Ends Right Before Subhus Sādiq
Question: Please explain the ruling for fasting regarding a woman whose menstrual cycle (of less than ten days) ends before…
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is it permissible to make nafl tawaaf during umrah?
Question: – is it permissible to make nafl tawaaf during umrah while in ihram between tawaaf for umrah and saee. …
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Pregnant woman breaking her fast
Question: Is there any penalty for a pregnant woman who breaks her fast due to weakness? Answer: In the Name…
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Advertising and taking orders for unpossessed stock
Question: Assalamualaikum I want to know if it’s permissible to advertise stock and take orders if the goods are still…
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Hoor ul Ayn Of Jannah
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهI wanted to ask regarding the Hoor Al Ayn and men being married tomultiple women…
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