Important Topics
Darul Iftaa Camperdown offers a comprehensive two-year Hanafi Iftaa program. The application process is as follows: A written application along…
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Content Writer Developing a Video Game
Question: Asalam o alaikum. I’m a content writer by profession and also a Quran student. Recently, I have been given…
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Women performing Salaah while wearing leggings
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته If a woman is wearing a dress that falls just below her knees and leggings…
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Ruling of blowing on the food
Question: Sometimes parents tell their children to blow on food. Is this correct? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the…
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Celebrating Halloween
Halloween: The Devil’s Holiday Every year on the evening of October 31st, people around the world celebrate the holiday known…
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Trick or Treat? # Halloween
Question: is it correct for masājid to have programs about Halloween being haraam and thereafter tell jinn stories and finally…
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Salah Fidya for a patient suffering from dementia and Parkinson’s disease
Question: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah My father had a bypass 12 years ago, 5 years back dementia started (early stages), A year later…
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Displaying Animal Skulls and Horns
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Could you kindly advise if it is permissible in Islam to display or keep…
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Is celebration and commemoration of the Milad an nabawiyyah permissible?
Question: Dear respected muftis, I hope you all are well. Is celebration and commemoration of the Milad an nabawiyyah jaiz?…
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Covering the janaazah with a cloth containing Qur’anic verses
Question: What is the ruling regarding covering the janaazah with a cloth on which verses of the Qur’an are written? Answer:…
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